Customer Testimonials

Discover how we helped our patients achieve their dream smile. Browse our customer testimonials and see for yourself.

“All the staff were friendly, helpful and professional. Tammy was fabulous - she clearly explained each step of the process. The facilities are attractive and calming - feels more like a spa than a "dental office". I would absolutely recommend GVDC.”

Dena M.

“The care I received this week at GreenValley Dental Care was exceptional. My hygienist, Tammy and Dr. Kloek were very caring, thorough, and professional making me feel confident in their services. I highly recommend this dental office.”

Steven S.

“Its like a miracle! I used to dread going to the dentist but thanks to Dr. Kloek, Noel, Ti and team I am glad to go. Their skills, efficiency and friendliness have improved my overall dental health not to mention my attitude. Hats off to Green Valley and thank you.”

Patricia S.

"The amazing patient care exhibited by Green Valley Dental truly sets a standard in the dental community. I was met with compassion, understanding, and warmth from the very first moment I walked in the door at Green Valley Dental. Having extreme anxiety caused me to avoid care and led to quite the decline in my dental health, but Dr. Kloek and his staff took every step imaginable to ease my nerves and deliver the help I needed. Every single option for my care was explained to me thoroughly, allowing me to be in complete control over my dental health and well-being. I was able to see a breakdown of my insurance coverages and the potential out-of-pocket costs BEFORE making future appointments, and Dr. Kloek made sure that I had the final say in my care and allowed me to create an educated plan that fit my own financial situation. My experience at Green Valley Dental not only changed my opinion on going to the dentist, but also changed my life... They truly saved my smile!"

Dashawn S.

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